Exploring the world of finance for DIY investors like me. Interests include Canadian personal finance, investing, stocks, carbon credits, commodities, and currencies.

@Tavs2Cents on Twitter!


Basically I spend way too much time thinking about finance to keep all these thoughts to myself. So I have created this website as a place to share and learn with others.

Here is the gist. I spend every moment while driving, cleaning, or working out, listening to BNN Bloomberg radio or some kind of financial podcast. As sad as this may be.. it is the truth! For me, the world of finance, markets, and economics is a constant learning experience. So I’ve decided to create a blog! I plan to use the blog as a journal, logging my financial thoughts and research moving forward. I have learned many lessons so far and like the idea of sharing them with anyone who cares to read my posts. But I need help, and enjoy hearing other perspectives and ideas from average people just like me! I know that I’m not always right and like having my strategies and ideas challenged as this can reinforce their relevance, or, maybe, debunk them. Either one is fine with me! All topics finance are on the table here so if you have an idea let me know. Add to the conversation either by contacting me or commenting on a blog. One thing I am fully confident in is saying is that average people are much more in tune with the real world around them than any financial “professional” could ever imagine, so let’s use that knowledge to our advantage and make some money!


People say:

“what do you know that the pros don’t, why would you take control of your own finances when you could pay an expert to do it for you?”

The answer:

You know you! Nobody knows your goals or mindset better than you do. I personally believe that a person educated at a basic financial literacy level will be a better manager of their own finances than a money professional with little insight into who the money belongs to.

Have a financial idea or question? Email or Tweet me!